Poojan Videos

Shradh at Ghat


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|| OM tryambakam yajamahe
sugandhim pustivardhanam ||
bandhananmrtyormuksiya maartrat ||
I bow down to that three-eyed
Lord Shiva, who is full of sweet fragrance, who
nourishes the human beings. May He free me from
the bondage of Sansara and death, just as a ripe
cucumber fruit is separated from the creeper. May
I be fixed in Immortality! This is the
Maha-Mrityunjaya Mantra.
Our Mission
facilitate the Hindu families want to achieve
Moksha for their deceased family member by
performing Asthi Visarjan, Pind Daan and Shradh at holy Ganges at Kashi Ji ( Varanasi or Benaras ), Gaya, Allahabad (Triveni) in traditional &
religious manner as described in holy granth
"Garur Puran" and "Smriti Shastra" on behalf of
the family members of departing
What is Moksha ?
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